Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A Memorable Meet

Well, at least the 1st track meet on the new track at Lakeside will be well remembered. It poured and it poured and it poured some more. But, since there was no lightning the meet went on. It was very well organized and went quite smoothly. Scott and I had fun timing (we were back up for the electric timing system) and our trigger fingers got a bit numb by the end of the meet (it was cold, too!).

Sis did well....once again she took firsts in all events she ran in...100m hurdles, 300m hurdles and starting leg of the 4 x 200m race. She's amazing to watch.....when she's finished with the race girls are still going over hurdles.....I marvel at her talent and speed.

And, the meet was against my highschool alma mater, Columbus High School. I'm not sure how we did as a team (I assume we won) but I'll be sure to let you know.

Have a great day!

UPDATE: The girls won 90 something to 50 source of information? Proud Grandma!! I caught her 5 minutes before she was being picked up by her ride to take her to the airport for a visit to North Carolina! I know she's looking forward to this trip with great anticipation.

Monday, April 23, 2007

One proud Grandma and "Little" Brother

Well Stef's "little" brother Jake was there on Saturday to cheer her on at the Marshall Invitational track meet. There were 9 schools present and Stef walked away with a first place finish in all her events: 100m high hurdles, 300m low hurdles and the starting leg in the 4 x 200m relay team. It was a beautiful day, a bit windy at times and we all got a little bit of sun. Stef's team won the meet that was an added bonus. Both Grandmas were in attendance, as was proud mama (me) and papa, "little" brother and new beau.....
Enjoy the pictures from the day. After the meet we went home, with beau in tow, and went out for dinner and then took our new boat out on the lake for a little ride. A bit choppy but we got to enjoy a beautiful sunset. Then we headed home and played 3 rounds of euchre with Stef and Phil. He thought they'd beat the "old people" (as he called us), that was a shocker to be called "old"......but we won anyhow and I have a feeling that they'll be wanting to take us on again soon.....

Another track meet tomorrow night....Lakeside vs. Columbus High School (Scott and my alma mater). It should be fun. Scott and I will be timers for the meet. It's the first meet that our school is hosting on its new track....exciting....

Will let you know how it goes....until then....have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The First Outdoor Track Meet of the Season

Well it's the first outdoor track meet of the season for our sophomore daughter and typical Wisconsin weather is calling for 3 -5 inches of snow. Now, mind you, the snow's not supposed to start coming down until about 8 PM and so I'm presuming they'll try to get this triangular meet off the ground. It will be cold and I'll have gloves, mittens, hats, boots, etc. on. Lakeside is running against Beaver Dam public (our home town) and Portage public. The meet is being held in Portage (about a 35 mile hike).

I remember last year's first outdoor predictions of snow and yet cold and very windy. The meet was in Beaver Dam last year and I vividly recall my mom, my dad and my sister Peggy coming to witness Stef's very first track meet of her high school career. It was her first time ever running the 300m low hurdles. They were bundled in winter clothes and huddled in blankets. My dad had on his navy blue parka and you could hardly see him with his hood up. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach when they called, "Final call for girls' 300m low hurdles." It was like yesterday when I ran the hurdles back in highschool and those feelings NEVER go away for me. I wondered what Dad was thinking as he watched his oldest grandchild run that race. I wondered if he was taken back 26 years in his mind as he recalled watching me run those hurdles. I can still see him standing at the track meets in his orange Tracy & Sons spring jacket. His hair wasn't as gray and he wasn't as slight. His arms were usually folded across his chest and he had the seriousness on his face that I remember so well. I'd come over to him for the usual father/daughter pep talk and he'd always take one arm and put it on my shoulder while keeping the other arm folded across his chest and he'd look me in the eyes and say, "Mare, run your'll do great!" And off I'd go.

The race I remember the most was the final race of the season at the State Track Meet at Mansfield Stadium in Madison, WI. I was a junior in highschool and that year was under the tutelage of a phy ed intern who, himself, had been a highschool state champion high hurdler. He took me under his wings and mentored me one on one. I learned so much from that man....he had me read Jonathan Livingston Seagull during the season, he had me visual a perfect race in my mind, he encouraged me and developed me into a top notch 200m hurdler. The last race was the race of my life....until the last hurdle.....I took my eye off my goal, saw myself in 2nd place and my steps were off and I stepped through the last hurdle and fell to the track in front of a crowd of 8000 people. My instincts told me to get up and finish the race. I did. The last time I saw my coach was when he walked away as my family was hugging and consoling me. I never thought to really thank him....I was a junior in highschool at the time. But his lessons stuck with me and were a part of who I am. I finally, about 20 years later, found him. He was teaching in Madison.....I went personally to thank him. And that was the last time I saw him.....he died an untimely death at 40 years old. I'm thankful that I got to personally thank him for what he gave me.

The other man that mentored me was my dad. After that same race he came up to me and in his usual serious tone, put one arm on my shoulder and said, "Mary, I was never more proud of you then when you got up and finished the race." A tear streamed down his face as he said that. The only other time I saw a tear stream down his face was on my wedding day. My dad was a lot like that phy ed intern who mentored me.....I was taught so much by what I caught from Dad. His character, his work ethic and the way he showed love for his family. I miss you, Dad.
Today more than other days. I'll think of you as Stef runs her race. And, hopefully I'll impart wisdom to her like you imparted wisdom to me. You were a great Dad......a really great Dad.

Monday, April 09, 2007

April Already!

I failed to post anything in March even though my sister prodded me on March 31st that I still had time left in March to AT LEAST get in one post. Sorry.

Yesterday was Easter and the church bulged at the seams. All those C and Eers that, until most recently, politely irritated me. Well, not even politely irritated me...they just plain irritated me. And the conviction came from my 16 year old daughter who at Christmas time reminded me (when I was spouting off about how MY seat was taken) that church is for ALL the lost....including me. Warning heeded. So, I prayed more for myself this Easter because obviously I was in just as much need of the Savior's sacrifice as the C and Eers. I prayed that I would not be irritated and instead be joyous that the church was packed to hear the most powerful message of Christ's death and resurrection. My prayer was definitely answered and my soul was peaceful.

After church my mom and sister joined our family for an Easter dinner of mustard-glazed ham, garlic mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. My mom made the most heavenly angel food cake with whipped cream and pineapple filling/frosting. It was magnificent. And, then Peggy and I cleaned up the kitchen in a very quick manner and she was off to work on her taxes....UGH!! Certainly glad she could join us, though.

MARCH RECAP: Jake broke his 5th metatarsal of his left foot. A bit of a stress fracture and he is now in a boot and crutches. Trying to avoid having a screw put in with bone grafting. He's a whiz on the crutches and likes to poke me with them every now and then. He just got measured at school and is now 5'10" tall......yikes. He does look down at me now.

Stef started track and has 2 indoor meets under her belt. She's doing well and after the last meet they have decided to place her in the 100m high hurdles for outdoor season. She got asked to prom by one of her friends who is developing into a bit more. He's a gem and is a foot taller than her......more details and pics to follow.

Well, Ruth least I posted in always, thanks for the reminder.....