Monday, April 09, 2007

April Already!

I failed to post anything in March even though my sister prodded me on March 31st that I still had time left in March to AT LEAST get in one post. Sorry.

Yesterday was Easter and the church bulged at the seams. All those C and Eers that, until most recently, politely irritated me. Well, not even politely irritated me...they just plain irritated me. And the conviction came from my 16 year old daughter who at Christmas time reminded me (when I was spouting off about how MY seat was taken) that church is for ALL the lost....including me. Warning heeded. So, I prayed more for myself this Easter because obviously I was in just as much need of the Savior's sacrifice as the C and Eers. I prayed that I would not be irritated and instead be joyous that the church was packed to hear the most powerful message of Christ's death and resurrection. My prayer was definitely answered and my soul was peaceful.

After church my mom and sister joined our family for an Easter dinner of mustard-glazed ham, garlic mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. My mom made the most heavenly angel food cake with whipped cream and pineapple filling/frosting. It was magnificent. And, then Peggy and I cleaned up the kitchen in a very quick manner and she was off to work on her taxes....UGH!! Certainly glad she could join us, though.

MARCH RECAP: Jake broke his 5th metatarsal of his left foot. A bit of a stress fracture and he is now in a boot and crutches. Trying to avoid having a screw put in with bone grafting. He's a whiz on the crutches and likes to poke me with them every now and then. He just got measured at school and is now 5'10" tall......yikes. He does look down at me now.

Stef started track and has 2 indoor meets under her belt. She's doing well and after the last meet they have decided to place her in the 100m high hurdles for outdoor season. She got asked to prom by one of her friends who is developing into a bit more. He's a gem and is a foot taller than her......more details and pics to follow.

Well, Ruth least I posted in always, thanks for the reminder.....


Blogger Ruth Anne Adams said...

You and your height assessments are like Mom and her photo-teeth counts.

Nice post and I'm glad Easter was all it could be.

I can't wait for your birthday post!

3:04 PM  

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