Friday, November 17, 2006

Hangers are like rabbits!

I'm convinced.....somehow these little wire contraptions that we use in everyday life are like rabbits. They breed and multiply and need a place of their own. At least in our household. Yesterday I was feeling a sort of organizational moving and I set forth to clean and organize my husband's and my walk-in closet. Stupid...that's all I can say. I had some sort of assanine idea that I could get the job done in just an hour or two. Well....5 hours later I still had a mess in my bedroom, hallway and anywhere else you can thinkof. And it's all because of those stupid hangers. No, not really but they are a nuisance.

It's probably because my husband gets his shirts laundered (he has an anal retentive part of his nature that demands crisply heavy starched collars and cuffs...which I can't possibly create with an iron and bottle of spray I don't even attempt it). Each week five of those little blue wire hangers make their way into our closet...that's 20 per month and 240 per year...But, I swear, I must have found about 500 of them, or so it seemed.....Envision being in an empty room with 2 rabbits and within a very short time you're surrounded by a gazillion of the white furry creatures and you're going insane!! Well that's kind of how I felt yesterday.

Then, fortunately, my sister Peggy came over and I was able to give her a bunch of hangers (she said she actually to go to the store to BUY some of them---she must have neutered or spayed hangers at her house) and a box of clothes that I just simply don't wear anymore and she was excited to receive them......what a joy for me....

I realized a few things after my day with the hangers:

1) We have way too much STUFF!

2) It feels really good to de-clutter and give STUFF away to people who will have use for it.

3) I detest too many hangers!!

Have a GREAT day and weekend!


Blogger Ruth Anne Adams said...

Reminds me of the Star Trek episode, "The Trouble with Tribbles." I believe they were born pregnant.

Is Peggy starting to dress up for work now?

8:20 AM  
Blogger Ruth Anne Adams said...

Joan Crawford: "NO wire hangers!!"

Elmer Fudd: "Kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit, kill da WAAAAbbit."

1:15 PM  
Blogger Peggy Gero DaValt said...

Peggy has had to dress for work since 2003 at DRL when the new Secretary (a lawyer) felt that we all needed to look like lawyers. jeans, no t-shirts, no sweatshirts with logos, no denim shirts with Disney was a major nightmare for some people.

So...I have become mainly business casual....except on Fridays when jeans were allowed.

At DOT it is very flexible and we could wear jeans, but I have enough colored jeans (black, tan, khaki), plus my Bass tassle loafers.

I thought this was a hoot post, Mar....

Can you believe that I had to BUY hangers at Wal-Mart?

Thanks for the clothes. I'm sure that they'll get lots of use.

Neutering hangers....that's a cute concept....

Seriously folks, Mary isn't kidding...she had hangers EVERYWHERE. Even when I took a pack of them....and boxed them, there were still TONS of hangers....

Reminds me of a skit we did in ADPi....for Rush....

Rabbits never subtract nor add, they only multiply.....

7:01 AM  

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