Sunday, February 25, 2007

That Dog can Spell

I never cease to be amazed by our black lab, Joe. Many of you know that he was an outside dog for about 9 years of his life. We brought him in this summer when it got so blasted hot and he wasn't getting around very well. Well now he's an inside dog and I think....know, I KNOW...he rules the roost. For a while he slept in his kennel/crate at night. We got sick of the howling. He now sleeps on a comfy-cozy piece of lambswool in our bedroom at night. We only put him in his kennel when we leave the house for an afternoon. Well, quite honestly, he doesn't like it and when he sees us put our coats on he goes up in our bedroom, stands on his lambswool and growls at us. Not a growl that shows his teeth, just a growl that says, "You're ticking me off, you're leaving and gonna put me in that cage and I'm not going!" It even got to the point when we said the word "kennel" he would start to show his dissatisfaction. So, then we started to spell it. It reminded me of the days when the children were toddlers and we had to spell things to avoid their earshot. And, now...when we spell k-e-n-n-e-l....Joe knows and decideds he's gonna stay on his spot and not budge. Well, yesterday I got the bright idea of getting his leash so he might think he was going for a walk....All this to get the dog into the kennel so we could go to a basketball game. Well, it worked....he perked up, stopped growling, wagged his tail and couldn't wait to get out the door. I walked him out the front door, down the sidewalk, down our driveway and right into the back door and into our family room where his kennel is. I thought to myself, "Gotcha!!" It worked again this morning when we were going to church. I just wonder how long it will work before Joe figures out that leash = kennel. He's one smart dog. Someday I'll come into my home and he'll be sitting at the computer playing Free Cell or something.....I'm almost sure of it.


Blogger Ruth Anne Adams said...


We had to stop spelling using letters. Now we spell using the Army phonetical alphabet. Ice cream is: India Charlie Echo Charlie Romeo Echo Alpha Mike. Good thing Dave and I both speak that language, too.

2:29 PM  
Blogger AnneGero said...

Mary, Do you remember Blackie and how we would ask him if he wanted a r-i-d-e in the c-a-r? That was fine until we took him to the vet for confinement as we went on vacation. After that, the ride in the car meant VET to Blackie. Smart German Shepherd!!

7:22 PM  
Blogger Peggy Gero DaValt said...

And...they can "nanny" you, too.

My best girl, Icey Poo Ollie, sits by the computer or TV at about 10:30 p.m. at night and barks at me.

She has been my sleeping buddy and I won't let her jump up on the bed as it's too high for her. So, I have to put her up there and she wants to curl up at that time.

So...perhaps the dog is smarter than me....telling me that whatever it is that I'm working on can wait until another day.

Guess that's why I love them so!!

Perhaps I should brush up on my sleep as a new baby Gordon will be coming to live with me...I think his name will be Drift after all the S-N-O-W that we have had.

3:21 PM  
Blogger Ruth Anne Adams said...

Don't forget your March blogpost.

10:58 AM  

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