Well, the day has arrived. The day I have been dreading for a while. The day my 16 year old daughter got her license. It's hard to put in words the feelings I had after she passed her test and then drove her Jeep back to school (which is 35 miles away). Have you ever had a dream where you had something in your hand that you longed for? And in that moment between wake and sleep you thought in your dream that if you woke up that object would be in your hand? And then you wake up to the disappointment you feel when the object isn't there? Well, that's kind of how I felt. Stef in her fashionable shades driving off, alone....without me...her mother to protect her. I had a similar feeling when she went off to kindergarten. I stood at the door of her classroom and tried to hold back the emotions that were welling up inside me. And my little 5 year old said, "Mom, I'll be alright...you can go now." I cried the whole way home. And now it seems like only yesterday when she was off to kindergarten and it'll be like only tomorrow when she'll be heading off to college.....away from my watchful eye. And yet....she's a good kid....no...she's a great kid and I know that she's ready for the big world. And her guardian angels will be there just as the Lord promises..."I will command my angels concerning you to guard you in
all your ways." And, I'm sure that promise is for me, too. It's another stage in my life....I'll learn to embrace it as I have others and I will be okay.....
You may just want to get off the road....lol
What a cool post!! I love the photo....and...as Dad always said....(Nana, too)....it's just another chapter in the book of LIFE.
But...you knew that as evidenced by your blog.
Congrats, Stef!!
Nice to know that Stef learned how to fill a gas tank early in her driving career. I do not remember filling a tank until the boss sent me to do that for his red Caddy one day. I had to be in my 40's!!
Dad always filled our tank!!!!
Blog, blog, get off the log....*lol*
Couldn't resist....
Time to re-blog, sistah....
what's been going on latelY???
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